Frequently Asked Questions

At what age does the Bright Mind Preschool program start?

Students must be 2½ years old in order to be eligible to join the program. We accept children once they turn 2½ provided we have space.  You may reserve a space for your child in advance of their eligibility.

Does my child need to be toilet trained to join Bright Mind Preschool?

Children do not need to be completely toilet trained in the Busy Bee classroom.  Teachers are committed to working with families to create a plan that helps your child become toilet trained at their own pace. 

Does Bright Mind provide food?

Bright Mind provides breakfast, morning snack, lunch and afternoon snacks daily for all children. Please communicate any allergies or food restrictions. 

How do parents receive information about their child’s Bright Mind Preschool experience?

Our goal is for parents to be well-informed about their child’s daily experiences and special moments. Consistent two-way communication allows us to establish shared goals and provide the most supportive system for your child. 

We use the ProCare app to share posts and photos of daily activities such as lessons, food offered, naps and outside time.  The app is also used between families and staff to send messages and reminders.

Additionally, conferences are offered for all students twice per year. These are times for teachers to hear your "hopes and dreams” for your child’s year, learn how we may best support your child and for us to share work and assessments. We encourage all families to attend these conferences and are happy to schedule additional conferences as requested.

What time does school begin and end and how long can I leave my child in the school’s care?

School hours are 7:00am-6:00pm.

Drop off is 7:00-9:00am and pick up is 4:00-6:00pm. 

Breakfast is served from 8:00- 8:45 am. 

During the drop off and pick up periods, children are offered a wide variety of learning options during our Open Centers time.

**PLEASE NOTE: Bright Mind Preschool policy is that students may stay up to but not past 10 hours at school each day.**

What special events does the school have throughout the school year?

Throughout the year, we love to hold special events! Some are for families and children such as family parties, mystery readers, field trips and holiday celebrations and others are special in school days such as pajama day, teddy bear picnics or field days.  Notice is provided in our monthly family calendars and weekly emails. Our messaging is always that families are welcome and invited but not required to attend these special events.

What are the child/teacher ratios and class sizes at Bright Mind Preschool?

We keep our class sizes small in order to be able to provide individualized attention and meet each child’s needs and interests. Our small class sizes are generally considered full with 12 children and 2 teachers.

What are the tuition and fees at Bright Mind Preschool?

 Annual Registration Fee $150

Busy Bee Monthly Tuition $1,900

Trail Blazer and Space Ranger Monthly Tuition $1,740

Annual Activity Fee $1,000

How does parent involvement work at Bright Mind Preschool?

At Bright Mind, we understand that it is important to have a supportive parent relationship within our school in order for our children to thrive. We do not require parent involvement, but there are many opportunities that allow our school community to get to know one another: special events, field trips and class celebrations.

What are the qualifications of Bright Mind teachers?

Our teachers and directors are very proud to be early childhood facilitators. Lead teachers must hold a college degree or a CDA. All staff are nurturing and knowledgeable and all are continuing their professional development through coursework and workshops. 

What is a typical day like at Bright Mind Preschool?

Bright Mind preschool maintains a schedule that is consistent and predictable for young learners. A typical day at Bright Mind looks like this:

  • Open Centers
  • Breakfast
  • Circle Time
  • Literacy
  • Art
  • Math
  • Morning Snack
  • Gross Motor Time Indoors and Outdoors
  • Lunch Time
  • Nap 
  • Afternoon Snack
  • Story Time
  • Spanish 
  • Classroom Activities
  • Open Centers 

In addition, each class visits the local library each week and we contract with organizations such as Excite Soccer and Power Tots Gymnastics to provide enrichment activities.